Dec 22, 2024
PSYC 4673 - Capstone in Psychology 3 credits
[Meets the Core Curriculum Writing Practice Requirement] This course is a seminar-style study of the major worldviews and presuppositions underlying psychological theories and practices. Emphasis is given to the different philosophical perspectives by which psychology can be understood and applied, including the integration of faith and psychology. Original classic works in psychology and faith, essays on the philosophy of science, and contemporary applications of modern psychological theories, are read. Students meet once per week for discussion sessions. Seat- time for the second of weekly classes is spent viewing a video or listening to an audio that is relevant to the current topic and then writing a reflection/analysis.
Prerequisite: Senior standing as a psychology major. Seniors from other majors may seek instructor permission to take this course. PSYC 3673 Advanced Topics in Psychology
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