Feb 17, 2025
CHIS 5493 - History of Renewal Movements 3 credits
This course will examine the biblical, theological, and cultural impact of renewal and reformation movements in history. Beginning with Old Testament prophetic calls for national and individual renewal and righteousness leading up to the coming Messiah and the Acts 2 Spirit outpouring upon “all flesh”, this course explores the exchatological and musicological foundations of renewal. Students will study reformation movements from the 16th century and beyond with special focus upon religious and sociological reformation and revival movements in the 19th and 20th century and how soci-political movements such as the Abolition, Labor, Women’s Suffrage, and Temperance movements parallel the cultural turmoil, opportunity, and patterns for turning around churches in the current era. How did those movements influence and birth the Holiness, Foreign Missions, and Pentecostal Movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries? In addition, key figures and institutional/denominational will provide implications and learning’s for current and future generations of Pentecostal and Evangelical leaders.
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