Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Campus Life

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The Northwest learning experience occurs in an engaged, active environment in which students participate, take ownership, and apply their learning to God’s call in their lives. Participation in the Northwest University learning community is an integrated experience that occurs both in and out of the classroom. Campus Life on the Kirkland campus enriches the undergraduate student academic program so that each student will have both a fulfilling experience while on campus and a successful life beyond the University. Each member of the community makes a distinct contribution through shared scholarship, leadership, worship, service, and other campus life opportunities. Northwest students are encouraged and expected to offer a unique blend of strengths, characteristics, curiosity, and callings to enhance this Christian community of scholarship and learning.

Student Development

Undergraduate students are at a life stage when they are developing a sense of individual identity, spiritual formation and vocational direction. The Student Development Office provides a variety of opportunities for students to cultivate leadership skills and to participate in service and ministry. Our hope is that as students learn to rely on God’s grace for growth during their college years, they will develop priorities and habits of the heart that will enable them to be leaders to serve the church and contribute to society as alumni.

As Student Development staff, we work together with faculty in the unified purpose of enabling Northwest students to integrate their faith, learning, and living. It is precisely Northwest University’s commitment to holistic faith integration that gives it an unparalleled ability to develop a student of premier capabilities. The Student Development office is committed to providing a campus environment, programs, and service opportunities that cultivate a sense of Christian community. Co-curricular activities encourage thought and action that reflects and complements the student’s classroom experience while also striving for the campus community to model commitment to Jesus Christ and to promote habits of lifelong learning. From classroom to chapel, from the Student Center to the residence hall room, Northwest University is committed to maturing and developing the whole human being.

Core Capacities

The Mission and Vision statements of Northwest University find expression in the following Student Development Core Capacities that serve as the driving force for the university living and learning community environment and program. Research suggests that students learn the most during college from direct contact with other students. Given this principle, the Office of Student Development initiates intentional programs and services that support student learning. The Core Capacities of Intellectual Development, Spiritual Formation, Wellness, Leadership and Citizenship serve as the overarching learning outcomes attained through the out-of-class campus experience. With these Core Capacities as a blueprint for holistic learning, Student Development facilitates a proactive and comprehensive student life program that establishes critical connections between students, faculty, staff, and the community. The program provides opportunities for life-shaping experiences that will result in academic success, a thoughtful approach to the integration of Christian faith and society, and healthy, life-long relationships.

Community Handbook

The Community Handbook is published on the Northwest University Eagle web site to acquaint students with the Northwest University way of life. The Handbook describes what students can expect of the University and what the University expects of students. All expectations are designed to assist students in their adventure of Carrying the Call.

When students apply for admission, they must indicate that they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that they are willing to live according to the lifestyle standards of the University community. 

Northwest University students are expected to recognize their responsibility to God by careful use of their time and to engage only in such activities as may contribute to their spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical well-being. Questionable entertainment and all activities which diminish a person’s moral sensitivity and fervent walk with God should be avoided. Being an authentic biblical Christian both on and off campus is a clear and present standard of Northwest University.

Northwest University will promote Christian citizenship through instruction, corrective accountability and discipline, when necessary for the purpose of developing and maintaining a Christ-centered environment. An acceptable citizenship record, which includes academic and financial responsibility to the University, must be maintained to qualify for enrollment, participation in student leadership offices, co-curricular activities, including all athletic and music programs, and graduation.

The University reserves the right to modify and amplify the standards and dates set forth in the Community Handbook and to use its discretion in the interpretative enforcement of all ideals and standards of conduct.

Campus Housing

Preparing students to Carry the Call, Northwest University is a Christian community of scholarship and learning. Northwest’s commitment to provide a community where students live on campus is embedded in this vision. Developing competency and maturity as Christian learners, scholars and leaders occurs partially as a result of the Holy Spirit’s work in students’ lives through their relationships with other students. The interaction between people is a guiding and fundamentally important component of Christian student development. We believe it is necessary for students to be immersed in community living for essential person to person encounters to be possible. Therefore, as a condition of attending Northwest University, undergraduate students are required to live in university owned residence halls or apartments.

Housing Requirements

All full-time undergraduate students (registered for 12 or more semester credit hours) are required to live in campus housing unless they meet the criteria for living off-campus and have applied and been approved for off-campus living. Students who are granted off-campus approval are considered commuters. Commuters are students who are commuting from their parent’s home, students who are married and living off-campus, students with children, or students 23 years old or older on the first day of class each semester.


A $150 non-refundable housing fee is required to secure an on-campus housing placement. This one-time fee will follow students even if they change housing locations on campus. It will be kept on file until a student moves out of campus housing. This fee is refundable only to new incoming students who apply for housing, pay the housing placement fee but withdraw before being assigned a room. Once the student has been assigned a room, the deposit is non-refundable even if they do not end up attending Northwest University. Placements can always be checked by students by logging into MyHousing on the Eagle website.

Family Housing

The University maintains seventy-eight apartments designed for traditional undergraduate students who are married, have a family, or over the age of 25. Full time employees of the University and graduate students may also apply. We cannot accept applications from online students or those in doctoral programs. The FIRS consist of thirty-six units with 1 bedroom/1 bath, twelve units with 2-bedrooms/1 bath, and thirty units with 2 bedrooms/2 baths. Applications are available through the MyHousing  portal of the Eagle website. https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/housing/.

Community Life

Providing co-curricular and experiential learning opportunities, the Office of Community Life advises a broad range of student leadership development programs including all aspects of student government (ASNU), Student Activities Board (SAB), clubs and organizations, and intramural sports. This office also administers the fall and spring Welcome Weekend programs.

Welcome Weekend

Student Orientation Advising and Registration (SOAR) and Welcome Weekend are scheduled time for virtual and on campus sessions and activities to ensure a successful transition to life at Northwest University. SOAR is the preliminary advising, registration, and networking venue for incoming students. During SOAR days students meet other incoming students and begin to build relationships and make connections within the campus community.

Welcome Weekend is offered just prior to the beginning of each semester. The sessions and activities provided prepare students, both new and transfers, to have a successful transition to Northwest University. Opportunities exist to meet faculty and staff, receive important information about campus resources and policies, and gain connection with peers and student leaders. As this time of transition is essential to student success, attendance is required for all incoming students.

Act Six

In partnership with the Tacoma-based Northwest Leadership Foundation, Act Six is an urban leadership and scholarship initiative. Northwest University’s Act Six program identifies and prepares scholars to carry the call of God into engaged, effective, and positive societal leadership. In addition to selecting recipients for association in supportive cadres, the Act Six program fosters transformational leadership, intercultural awareness, service learning, and a lasting difference on campus and in scholar’s home communities.

Athletics:  Intercollegiate

Northwest University is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Sports offered include men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball; men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s track and field, and women’s softball. Some club sports are organized for the enjoyment of the University community.

Athletics:  Recreational Sports

As advised by the Office of Community Life, the Student Activities Board facilitates a recreational sports program consisting of organized on-campus intramural athletics and off-campus regional outdoor recreation opportunities for the traditional undergraduate student population. Campus facilities include the gymnasium, outdoor tennis courts, Eagle athletic fields, outdoor basketball court, and an outdoor sand volleyball court.


Traditionally, the new school year is formally opened with Academic Convocation. Officials, ministers, alumni, and friends join faculty and students for this annual tradition.

Leadership Learning

Academic and co-curricular programs offer a variety of experiences that help students become leaders who can make a difference in their world. Student leadership positions provide a valuable opportunity for students to develop capacities and skills that will result in both personal and professional growth. Student leaders will expand their interpersonal and task-management abilities as they encounter new situations and respond to challenges, learning from their own experiences as well as from their peers and mentors.

Multicultural Life

Multicultural Life strives to be courageous in light of scripture’s admonishment to actively participate in our culture as engaged citizens in order to advance educational equity. To demonstrate the love of Christ in authentic community through multicultural unity by improving campus climate for underrepresented and marginalized students, faculty, and staff. We encourage deep, meaningful conversations, dialogues, and actions amongst Northwest University students, faculty, and staff in our journey to increasing spiritual vitality, academic excellence, and empowered engagement. As recipients and ministers of reconciliation, we aim to increase awareness about our own beliefs, values, and biases to be a catalyst for effective and active social change in our communities in and beyond Northwest University. Multicultural Life oversees Mosaic student leadership group and the Act Six Scholar Leadership Program.

Service Learning

Partnering with local organizations, students along with faculty and staff across all academic disciplines have opportunities to learn by combining their faith, academic study and leadership development with service activities to the surrounding community.

Student Activities Board

The Student Activities Board plans a wide variety of events throughout the academic year. Annual events include Welcome Back Bash, the Talent Show, and Screaming Eagles Week.

Student Government

Each Kirkland campus traditional undergraduate student is eligible to vote in the elected officers of the Associated Students of Northwest University. The ASNU student leaders serve the student body by cultivating a Christ-centered community advocating for the students’ needs and providing opportunities for involvement in activities, recreational sports, and ministry. Working in cooperation with the Office of Community Life, the ASNU Senate, led by the ASNU executive officers, represents student interests to University Administration. Student concerns and issues are heard at regularly scheduled ASNU Senate meetings.

Student Services Fee

A student services fee is charged on a semester basis at the time of registration. Fees may vary semester-by-semester as established by the Board of Directors. The Student Development Offices works with a committee of individuals to allocate this fee to a variety of budgets that provide access to the Eagle Fitness Center, student events, Multicultural Life, Campus Ministries, ASNU, Residence Life, Campus Ministries, athletic events and participation at other co-curricular student programs. This fee is required of all Kirkland campus traditional undergraduate students taking 7 or more credits.

Student Clubs and Organizations

A wide variety of clubs and organizations on campus provide opportunities for students to explore co-curricular learning interests with peers. With ever expanding genres of groups ranging from academic honor societies to special interest groups, or recreation clubs to ministry focuses, there is something for every member of the student community! These student-initiated groups enrich the atmosphere of Northwest University, providing avenues for students to express their passions, develop leadership, gain personal competencies, and have fun in the process.


Northwest University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or genetic information in its admissions policies. Further, it is the policy of the University not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, genetic information, or veteran status in the administration of its educational programs, including employment, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other college-administered programs and activities. As a religious educational organization, the University reserves the right to prefer employees and prospective employees on the basis of religion, and also reserves its right to prefer students and prospective students on the basis of religion. At this time, only traditional undergraduate students are required to comply with the University’s faith requirements.

Northwest is a drug and alcohol-free campus for all employees and students, and offers educational programs in alcohol and drug awareness for all campus groups.

Northwest University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination with regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, or physical disability. Persons having questions regarding University policy of non-discrimination should contact the Dean of Student Development.

Northwest University is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974/1996. A full statement on FERPA rights is found in this catalog.

Student Services

Career Services

Students receive support for vocational development and career preparation through the Northwest University. This office is a part of the services offered by  Academic Success and Advising and provides personality and career interest assessments, resume and cover letter review, interview and networking coaching and simulations, and individual career counseling, help with internship placement, and help with employment after graduation. More information is available at: https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/career-services/.

Commuter Student Services

In an effort to serve the unique needs of commuter students, Northwest University offers a variety of resources and activities designed specifically for the non-residential population. The lounge in the Pecota Student Center is designed to offer commuter students a space to study, relax, or connect with other students between classes. Students are also able to secure a locker in one of our many buildings around campus in order to store items. Keys can be rented in Student Development. Information about Commuter Student Services is available in the Student Development Office.

Disability Accommodations

Northwest University will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with documented disabilities to ensure equal access and equal opportunities with regard to curricular and co-curricular programs and services and university employment

Students who need assistance with classroom, residential, or other campus accommodations should contact the Academic Success and Advising office. Student employees desiring to request accommodations should contact the Human Resources Office. More information about disability accommodations is available at: https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/student-development/student-life/disability-accommodation/.

Employment Opportunities

Information about off-campus and on-campus student employment opportunities are available at https://www.northwestu.edu/jobs/student/ or  with the Human Resources office at 425-889-5598. The Northwest University Application for Employment is available as a download from the Northwest University web page or as a printed copy in the Human Resources Office located  on the second floor of the Randall K. Barton Building.

Fitness Center

The Eagle Fitness Center is available for strength training and aerobic fitness activity. The center is open to Northwest University Community members with a University ID card. The cost for membership is included in the Student Services Fee for Kirkland campus undergraduate day students. All other Northwest University students and alumni are eligible to purchase memberships for a minimal fee. Additional information is available on the Fitness Center web page at: https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/fitness-center/.

Food Service

The Dining Hall (The Caf) offers a wide variety of quality food choices appealing to differing preferences. Listed below are the various meal times:

Hours: Monday through Friday

7:00 am - 9:00 am Breakfast
11:00 am - 2:00 pm Lunch
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Dinner

Hours: Weekends


10:30 am - 12:30 pm Brunch
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner


7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner

The Aerie Café, located in Pecota Student Center, features an espresso stand and limited food items.

When, because of medical or health conditions, students are required to have a special diet they can inquire further with the Housing office to receive more details about the process for food accommodations. The Residence Life and Housing team will then direct the student to meet with the Director of Dining Services to see if proper accommodations are possible. The University reserves the right to charge for special diet provisions if necessary. 

Information Technology

The Information Technology Office supports the NU community with technology infrastructure and resources, both on campus and online. Enrolled students are issued a Microsoft 365 license that includes access to email, Microsoft Office (desktop and online apps), and other tools and services. Students are expected to check their NU email on a frequent basis to stay informed of academic, campus life, and other timely information. Use of NU information resources is subject to the Network and Computer Acceptable Use Policy, available on the Information Technology page on the Eagle Website: https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/information-technology/

Students are encouraged to bring their own computer for academic use. On the Kirkland Campus, computers are available for student use in Argue HSC 254, Barton 250, the Rice Hall Lobby, the second floor of the 6710 Building, and throughout the Hurst Library. Computers in the Hurst 214 study space are available 24/7.

International Student Services

Northwest University provides assistance to all international students through the International Student Services (ISS) Office. The ISS Office is located in the lower level of the Hurst Library. The ISS staff is available to assist international students with support in a variety of ways including immigration concerns, academic affairs, cultural matters, moral support and encouragement in the adjustments that often accompany life in another culture.


NUhope provides compassionate, caring and transformative therapy to Northwest University students in their care for mental health, trauma, eating disorders, relationships challenges and other needs. Counselors work with students to develop an individualized treatment plan that supports their growth and development. Counseling appointments during the academic year are free to students. All student therapists are supervised by experienced licensed psychologists.

Appointments can be scheduled by contacting NUhope at 425-889-5261 or emailing nuhopeinfo@northwestu.edu (preferred way). NUHope is located in the Everette D. Greeley Center, building #5 on the NU Campus map. Hours of service vary and are based on appointment basis.

Additional information is available on NUhope website at: https://www.northwestu.edu/nuhope

Security Office

Northwest University has security personnel available for assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide and encourage security, safety, education and personal responsibility. Through officer patrolling and community involvement Campus Security endeavors to protect the people who study, teach and serve as part of the Northwest University community. More information including campus crime and fire statistics is available on the Security web page at https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/security.

Student Financial Services

Located on the second floor of the Randall K. Barton Building, Student Financial Services (SFS) assists students with any questions regarding student account balances, and all matters related to scholarships and financial aid. Contact SFS at (425)889-5210 or studentfinancialservices@northwestu.edu.


Vehicle registration is required for all students who park vehicles on our campuses. Students may purchase a permit online at https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/security/ for $70 plus sales tax per academic year. Violation of vehicle regulations may result in fines and/or cancellation of the permit. It is expected that students bringing cars on campus will have them properly insured and properly licensed with the state in which they are registered.

Voter Registration

Northwest University encourages all students to vote in national, state and local elections. Information is available on the Secretary of State’s MyVote Web Site at https://wei.sos.wa.gov/agency/osos/en/pages/myvote.aspx

Registering to vote in the State of Washington does affect the student’s residency status in the student’s home state. Out-of-state students who prefer to vote in their home states can obtain absentee ballots from their respective home state elections office.

Spiritual Formation

Campus Ministries

As a Christian institution, Northwest University is committed to the enterprise of spiritual formation as a core aspect of student development. We intentionally facilitate an environment that encourages all community members to actively grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and to live in a way that is worthy of their calling. Spiritual growth as a community fosters a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ and His Word, builds His church, and reinforces the common bond that the Holy Spirit uses to unify the generations of alumni that pass through Northwest University.

The Campus Ministries department exists to cultivate the spiritual vitality of the community and to foster the spiritual formation of each member, inviting, teaching, and empowering our community to 1) Love Jesus, 2) Trust Jesus, and 3) Follow Jesus. Campus Ministries provides opportunities for our community to love, trust, and follow Jesus through four types of programming: Personal, Relational, Congregational, and Missional. On a personal level, Campus Ministries encourages an active devotional life, including the study of Scripture, devotions, and prayer. Relationally, Campus Ministries facilitates Life Groups, groups focused around studying the Bible, sharing testimonies, and growing spiritually mature together. Congregationally, Campus Ministries coordinates four community worship gatherings each week with a variety of formats, speakers, musical styles, and themes. Missionally, Campus Ministries serves our local Kirkland and Seattle community, as well as sends out ministry teams each year, including domestic and international short-term mission trips and worship teams for camps, conferences, and church services, for the purpose of carrying the gospel to others. 

The resources of Campus Ministries are available to all NU students, including access to campus pastors and a church directory. While there are many students involved in Campus Ministries, there are 11 scholarshipped student leaders who work in specific areas of the Campus Ministries department. These positions are applied for and selected each spring. More information about Campus Ministries is available at: https://eagle.northwestu.edu/departments/campus-ministries/.

Chapel and Other Spiritual Formation Programs

Chapel is the primary way our community engages in spiritual formation together. While these gatherings are not the only place for spiritual formation, we see them as a primary expression of the spiritual vitality of our community and core to our DNA, shaping our identity as a Jesus-following community. 

Participation in spiritual formation through chapels and other opportunities is required for all Kirkland traditional full-time undergraduate students at Northwest University, as well as part-time students taking 7-11 credits. An attendance record is maintained. All students are expected to arrange their schedules to permit regular attendance at these important corporate worship events. Chapel and Spiritual Life attendance are not a substitute for active involvement in the local church, or vice versa, and all Northwest University students are encouraged to become connected to a local church during their time in college. 

In addition to chapel, Campus Ministries works to either create a devotional or use an already written devotional book. These devotionals help facilitate a time and space for students to read the Bible, hear God, and apply spiritual practices to their lives.

To foster spiritual growth through community and fellowship, Life Groups are led by approved student leaders and are comprised of approved book studies on spiritual formation topics or Bible studies. All Life Groups are open to any students unless parameters are specifically stated. In addition, our community gathers for various event, lecture, discussions, and panels to learn and grow together around various topics. 

As members of the body of Christ contextualized by the area in which we live, we are called to serve our local community and seek the good of the city and world that we live in. To that end, Campus Ministries coordinates various local outreach clubs and opportunities to serve Kirkland, Seattle, and beyond, while addressing key social issues and the felt needs of our area, becoming the hands and feet of Jesus.

Campus Ministries’ Short-Term Missions program provides opportunities for students to travel to various locations around the world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and humbly serve and learn from other cultures. These trips occur primarily in the summer, with occasional spring break and winter break options. They are led by students and are associated with a two-credit Short-Term Missions Experience course.

Church Attendance  

Chapel and Spiritual Life attendance are not a substitute for active involvement in the local church, and all Northwest University students are encouraged to become connected to a local church and be available to serve there.


To foster spiritual growth on for individuals, Campus Ministries works to either create a devotional or use an already written devotional book. These devotionals help facilitate a time and space for students to read the Bible, be challenged and encouraged, and pray.

Life Groups

To foster spiritual growth through community and fellowship, Life Groups are led by approved student leaders and are comprised of approved book studies on spiritual formation topics or Bible studies. All Life Groups are open to any students unless parameters are specifically stated.

Local Mission  

As members of the body of Christ contextualized by the area in which we live, we are called to serve our local community and seek the good of the city and world that we live in. To that end, Campus Ministries coordinates various local missions clubs and opportunities to serve Kirkland, Seattle, and beyond, while addressing key social issues and the felt needs of our area, becoming the hands and feet of Jesus.

Global Mission

Campus Ministries’ NU Missions program provides opportunities for students to travel to various locations around the world to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and humbly serve and learn from other cultures. These trips occur primarily in the summer, with occasional spring break and winter break options. They are initiated and led by students and are associated with a two-credit Global Missions Experience course.

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