Feb 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

College of Ministry

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Academic Awards Master of Arts, Master in Ministry, Bachelor of Arts, Associates, Minors, Certificates
Dean Joshua Ziefle
Departments Biblical and Theological Studies, Church Ministries and Missions; Graduate Studies
Admissions to Major Graduate Studies

The College of Ministry builds upon the Educational Goals of the University expressed in the Core Curriculum requirements and the College of Ministry Core. We recognize that all truth is God’s truth and that persons discover truth by Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. The College of Ministry affirms that Scripture is God’s unique written revelation, and that the knowledge of biblical truth is the foundation of every genuine search for truth.

Students may choose one of the several majors leading to the four-year Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who desire a biblical/theological basis for pursuing other educational or vocational interests may complete the one-year program leading to the Certificate in Christian Studies. The specific objectives of the majors or other programs are listed with their descriptions in the following pages. In addition to the programs offered, the College of Ministry provides biblical and theological studies for all students of the University.

The Bachelor of Arts programs within the College of Ministry are designed to prepare graduates intellectually, spiritually, and practically for Christian ministry. The programs also exceed educational requirements for Assemblies of God ministry credentials.

From a Pentecostal perspective the College of Ministry values:

  1. Biblical Exposition: the ability to interpret the Scriptures;
  2. Theological Understanding: the ability to communicate the teachings of Christianity; and
  3. Ministerial Competence: the ability to serve in Christian ministry in diverse contexts.

The College of Ministry desires that all its graduates be persons who demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning, and possess the ability to apply truth to life; approach their own spiritual lives contemplatively and reflectively; and express a genuine connection to and care for the world.

College of Ministry Core

Building upon the Core Curriculum requirements, the College of Ministry Core enables the student to form a foundation for faith and practice. Students are encouraged toward comprehension of the revealed nature of God, growth in biblical knowledge, an understanding of Assemblies of God doctrinal positions, development in spiritual maturity, and ministry practice. The following courses constitute the those shared by many of the College of Ministry majors.

  • BIBL 2113 - Pentateuch 3 credits
  • BIBL 2213 - Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels 3 credits
  • CHIS 2103 - The Story of Christianity 3 credits
  • THEO 2503 - Pentecostal Spirituality 3 credits
  • PMIN 3303 - Ministry Life and Calling 3 credits
  • BIBL 3893 - Biblical Lands Experience 3 credits
  • Or BIBL 3993 - International Bible/Theology Tour 3 credits

Second Major in Biblical & Theological Studies

The 33 credits of Biblical & Theological Studies (12 credits of Core Curriculum Biblical & Theological Studies, INCS/THEO 1063 Gospel and Culture, 18 credits of the College of Ministry Core) may be considered a second major by students in all majors. Those students who so choose have the option of declaring on their transcript a major in Biblical & Theological Studies as well as their primary major.

Admission to College of Ministry

All students declaring a major within the College of Ministry are considered provisional members of the College of Ministry. However, in general during their second semester they must make formal application for admission to the College. The application process is a helpful tool for discernment, clarification, and understanding of one’s call. It provides each student with the opportunity to reflect on the Lord’s leading, and invites the pastoral and academic insights of faculty and others.  While the College of Ministry takes the application process seriously, it is not meant to be a competitive process. There is no limit or ceiling to the number of students who can be admitted each year. Instead, the application process is an opportunity for students pause relatively early in their journey at Northwest for thoughtful and prayerful reflection about the direction in which God is leading.

Acceptance into the College of Ministry is not the same as a ministerial credential. For that, we defer to the Church. Admission into College is meant to be an affirmation of an expressed calling and/or an affirmation of your continued exploration of your calling.

In order to evaluate and encourage that progress, the College of Ministry affirms the necessity of each student fulfilling the requirements for formal admission to the College. These requirements include a basic application form, affirmation of College of Ministry mission, standard, and values, completion of background check, references, an interview, a written essay, resume, the Bible Knowledge Inventory, and the Ministry Ability Profile.

Although a student may declare a major at any time during his or her academic program at Northwest, graduation with a baccalaureate degree in the College of Ministry requires that the admissions process be completed and good standing be maintained. No practicum or internship should be carried out before formal admission.

Due to the unique nature of certain programs of study, some exceptions are made to the admissions process. Students whose studies lead to a Certificate of Christian Studies are not required to apply for admission to the College of Ministry.

For more information regarding the application content and process, please consult the Dean of the College of Ministry.

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

Northwest University is a branch campus for the Seminary. The Dean of the College of Ministry serves as the Branch Director.

Graduate Studies

  • Certificate in Christian Leadership*
  • Master of Arts in Bible and Theology*
  • Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership*


  • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership*
  • Ed.D. - Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership*