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Northwest University is a private, church-related university. Therefore, no operating funds from taxes or public funds support its operation. Each student is charged tuition and certain fees which cover about eighty-five percent of the cost of his/her education. The remainder of the cost is provided by gifts from friends of the University, supporting districts, endowment income, and other earnings. For a list of the tuition charges and fees, see the Tuition and Fee Schedule in this catalog. (For a list of applicable Center for Online and Extended Education programs and Graduate Program charges and fees, see the appropriate Program’s catalog pages or Student Handbook.)
Financial Payment
Room And Board Information
The board/room charge is required of all students living in the residence halls, and entitles students to meals beginning when the Dining Hall (The Caf) opens to the general student population before semester classes begin and expiring with the noon meal on the last day of final examinations each semester. The University reserves the right to change the rates during the year if it is deemed necessary.
Educational Benefits
Northwest University is approved as an educational institution for the training of veterans or their dependents. Applications are available on the Department of Veterans Affairs website at Those qualifying under the extended Social Security Act should apply for benefits at their local offices of the Social Security Administration. The University will make the proper certifications as to enrollment and attendance after the student has enrolled in the University.
Any veteran receiving GI Bill® benefits while attending Northwest University is required to obtain transcripts from all previously attended schools and submit them to the school for review of prior credit.
In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:
- Prevent enrollment
- Assess a late penalty fee
- Require student secure alternative or additional funding
- Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution
However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
- Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;
- Provide written request to be certified;
- Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies
Financial Policy
University financial policies are outlined in the Master Financial Agreement. This agreement is signed as a part of the registration process.
Payment of Accounts
The Kirkland Undergraduate academic year is divided into two semesters of approximately four months each, and tuition is based on the semester. It is the policy of the University that there can be no outstanding past due amount at registration. All past due and old accounts must be settled. The payment of accounts policy also applies to those qualifying for veteran’s benefits and outside scholarships.
Pay In Full Plan
To avoid late fees, tuition, fees, and semester housing charges are to be paid in full by September 25th for fall semester, January 25th for spring semester, and May 25th for summer semester.
Monthly Payment Plan
Northwest University offers payment plans through Nelnet Campus Commerce (Nelnet). Nelnet is a budgeting service which allows students to pay their education expenses in smaller, more manageable monthly installments. They provide three to six month payment plans per semester to help students manage the cost of education.
Payment plans are set up with Nelnet for each academic term based on the student’s estimated charges less financial aid (including loans, if applicable) for the semester. There is a $75 enrollment fee per semester for these plans. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-722-4867.
Late Fees
Northwest will charge late fees as follows: For balances between $0.00 and $25.00, the late fee will be zero. For balances $25.01 and over a 1.5% late fee will be assessed monthly on the outstanding charges up to a maximum of $100. If you qualify for VA benefits under Chapter 31 and 33, late fees will not be assessed due to the late receipt of VA benefits.
Past Due Accounts
A student is considered past due if:
- If they have an owing balance after the payment due date of September 25th for fall semester, January 25 for spring semester, and May 25th for summer semester.
- If any new charges are assessed after the academic term has started and are not paid within 30 days.
Students failing to pay in full by the due date will be contacted through their Northwest University email and/or by telephone by Student Financial Services. The student may also be contacted by campus registered mail and Northwest University personnel which may include staff from the Student Development Office and/or professors. Efforts to communicate will be made for a period of approximately 45 days.
If, after these efforts are accomplished and it is clear that the student is aware that payments are delinquent, and reasonable attempts to address the financial obligations have not been made, the student will no longer be allowed meal card privileges, and/or Internet privileges.
If the financial problems persist, on-campus resident students will no longer be allowed to live in on-campus housing, and may be suspended from class until a solution is reached between Student Financial Services and the student. Students failing to respond will be withdrawn from the University by the Provost.
Since financial responsibility is part of the educational process, Student Financial Services encourages students to meet and counsel with the University personnel any time a financial problem arises. The University reserves the right to assign delinquent accounts to an agency for collection.
Cancellation of Registration
The Registration Cancellation policy applies to fall and spring semesters. Note that private music lesson fees (after the contract is signed) and those cancellation penalties are not indicated below. Housing charges will be prorated for the days occupied based on the percentages listed below under Withdrawal from University Housing. See the Academic Calendar for the applicable First Day of Class.
Cancellation of Registration – A student who registers for class but decides not to attend must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing before the end of business on the last day of the Add/Drop Period. Proper notification will cancel the tuition and related charges.
International Students – A $5,500 cancellation fee will be charged to international students who are admitted but, upon entering the U.S. or approval of change of status, immediately request to transfer to another institution (without attending any NU classes).
Cancellation after Add/Drop Period if any classes were attended – Cancellation after the end of business on the last day of the Add/Drop Period is considered a Withdrawal from University (see next section for more details).
Withdrawal from University
Students may withdraw from the University up through 5:00 PM on the last day of classes. Tuition adjustments will be made on the accounts of students who withdraw from school during the semester subject to the following conditions:
- The student must have officially withdrawn from the University;
- Institutional financial aid will be removed during the semester of withdrawal – this includes but is not limited to NU scholarships and tuition credits;
- Exit clearance from Housing Personnel is required for all students living in campus housing;
- Tuition will be charged according to the charts below based upon the date the Request Registration Change Form is submitted (tuition is charged based on the highest number of credits during the semester); fees are nonrefundable.
Kirkland Undergraduate Program (Fall and Spring)
Official Withdrawal from the University: |
Tuition % Charged |
Tuition % Refunded |
Week 2 |
20% |
80% |
Week 3 |
32% |
68% |
Week 4 |
44% |
56% |
Week 5 |
56% |
44% |
Week 6 |
68% |
32% |
Week 7 |
80% |
20% |
Week 8 |
92% |
8% |
Week 9 and later |
100% |
0% |
Summer courses held on the Kirkland campus
Official Withdrawal from the University: |
Tuition % Charged |
Tuition % Refunded |
First day of class |
20% |
80% |
Day 2 |
40% |
60% |
Day 3 and later |
100% |
0% |
All other programs are charged 100% of tuition after the Add/Drop Period.
Withdrawal from University Housing
The housing cancellation policy applies to all semester housing charges. The semester charge begins the weekend prior to the start of the term. See the Academic Calendar for the applicable first day of classes.
All Residential Students
Cancellation received after the first day of the semester charge – Resident is subject to the prorated semester charge according to the chart below based upon the following conditions:
- A written cancellation from the Registrar’s Office must have been received in the housing office.
- The student submitted the Housing Cancellation Form to the housing office and checked out of their room/apartment with housing personnel.
- For billing purposes, a week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday.
2.5% per day during first week of semester charges
20% during second week of semester charges
32% during third week of semester charges
44% during fourth week of semester charges
56% during fifth week of semester charges
68% during sixth week of semester charges
80% during seventh week of semester charges
92% during the eighth week of semester charges
100% after eighth week of semester charges
Withdrawal from University – Administrative
If a student is absent from all classes for more than two weeks consecutively without contacting the Registrar’s or Provost’s Office to explain the reason for his or her absences, the University has the authority to administratively withdraw the student from all course enrollments and to assign unearned grades of “FZ” to each course. In this case, the official withdrawal date for financial obligation purposes will be based on the last date of class attendance as certified by faculty and verified by the Registrar’s Office.
Adding and Dropping Courses (Add/Drop Period)
Courses may be added or dropped through the first 7 calendar days of the term or 8-week session* (Add/Drop Period). During this period, students may add or drop courses via their PowerCAMPUS Self-Service account or by filing a properly completed Request Registration Change Form in the Registrar’s Office. Courses dropped during the Add/Drop Period will be removed from the student’s schedule and receive 100% tuition refund. After the end of the Add/Drop Period, a student can no longer add or drop courses but may still withdraw from courses during the Course Withdrawal Period. (See Academic Information and Polices and Withdrawing from Classes sections for additional information on course withdrawals.)
*8-week session only applies to courses following the 8-week session academic calendar
Exception for Summer courses held on the Kirkland campus: Summer courses held on the Kirkland campus must be added or dropped prior to the first day of class. Courses dropped prior to the first day of class will be removed from the student’s schedule and receive 100% tuition refund. On or after the first day of class, a student can no longer add or drop courses but may still withdraw from courses during the Course Withdrawal Period. (See Academic Information and Polices and Withdrawing from Classes sections for additional information on course withdrawals.)
Note for financial aid recipients: Schedule changes may result in a loss of some or all financial aid. If a refund has been issued prior to the schedule change, aid may need to be returned even with the tuition reversal for dropped courses. Please contact Student Financial Services with any questions. Return to: Catalog Home